Feb 27, 2023
94 Minutes
Owen Benjamin is a husband, father and a comedian.
Owen joins Pete to tackle numerous subjects including arguing online, the Trans agenda, people choosing their faith for other than spiritual reasons and a few more.
Today's Sponsor-
Crowdhealth - Promo Code: peteq
Feb 24, 2023
70 Minutes
Yizz is the host of the Yizz the Eunuch channel on YouTube.
Yizz joins Pete to talk about the message of the book, "Go Free: A Guide to Aligning with the Archetype of Westernkind," by Jason Köhne. They discuss the subtle ways in which anti-white and anti-western ideas infiltrate the general public's...
Feb 22, 2023
63 Minutes
Some Strong Language
Thomas777 is a revisionist historian and a fiction writer.
Pete and Thomas address the claim that Christianity is a cul de sac of controlled opposition and the Bible is a blueprint of Jewish domination over Gentiles.
Today's Sponsor-
Crowdhealth - Promo Code: peteq
Feb 20, 2023
58 Minutes
Tommy Salmons is a writer and host of the Year Zero podcast at The Libertarian Institute.
Tommy joins Pete to give an overview of his 3+ years of research into ESG, DEI, and what the elite's plans are for the future.
Today's Sponsor-
Crowdhealth - Promo Code: peteq
Feb 17, 2023
84 Minutes
Bird is one of the hosts of the Timeline Earth Podcast.
Bird joins Pete to reveal the players and philosophy behind Japan's helping build and train the radical Black Militant movement of the 20th century in the United States.
Today's Sponsor-
Crowdhealth - Promo Code: peteq