Aug 31, 2018
31 Minutes
Mance welcomes attorney, and founder of the Rutherford Institute, John Whitehead. John is a tireless defender of individuals who have suffered abuse at the hands of the police. He is the author of, "Battlefield America - The War on the American People"
John talks about what the police's job is, and how to...
Aug 29, 2018
30 Minutes
Mance addresses two subjects he loathes but get mixed together like the worst breakfast serial: socialism and interventionism.
Aug 26, 2018
40 Minutes
Mance invited "Jen the Libertarian" to come on the show and talk about her recent podcast entitled, "Toxic Intersectionality and White Guilt." Most libertarians hear these terms and immediate shut down, but with the influence these "schools of thought" have on social media and in the MSM, it's important to...
Aug 24, 2018
55 Minutes
Scott Horton recently asked Mance to come on his show to talk about the Ross Ulbricht case. Scott RARELY does non-foreign policy shows so this was quite the honor and Mance was truly humbled. They also talk about the failures of the justice system and local/state/federal law enforcement. More than a few...
Aug 22, 2018
35 Minutes
Vin Armani joins Mance to share his thoughts on why Bitcoin went from 19K down as far as 6K and what it will take in the future for the value of Bitcoin to increase.