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The Pete Quinones Show

Nov 30, 2023

70 Minutes


Thomas777 is a revisionist historian and a fiction writer.

Thomas continues the series on "The Great War," World War 1. He goes over the beginning of the war, the initial politics surrounding it, and the first fields of battle.

Thomas' Substack

Thomas' Book "Steelstorm Pt. 1"

Thomas' Book "Steelstorm...

Nov 28, 2023

76 Minutes


Paul Fahrenheidt is a podcaster, writer, and founding member of the Old Glory Club.

Paul joins Pete to read the second half of the Cultual Parasitism chapter of Francis Parker Yockey's Imperium.

A Country Squire's Notebook

Old Glory Club YouTube Channel

Old Glory Club Substack

Paul's Substack


Nov 26, 2023

76 Minutes

Strong Language

Paul Fahrenheidt is a podcaster, writer, and founding member of the Old Glory Club.

Paul joins Pete to read the first half of the Cultual Parasitism chapter of Francis Parker Yockey's Imperium.

A Country Squire's Notebook

Old Glory Club YouTube Channel

Old Glory Club Substack

Paul's Substack

Nov 23, 2023

59 Minutes


E. Michael Jones, Ph.D., is the editor of Culture Wars magazine and the author of numerous books sold at culturewars dot com.

Dr. Jones returns to the show to comment on the continuing changes he has noticed since the 10/7 incident.

Dr Jones' Books

Get Autonomy

19 Skills PDF Download

Nov 21, 2023

67 Minutes


Thomas777 is a revisionist historian and a fiction writer.

Thomas and Pete conclude the three episode series on the Watergate scandal. In the finale, Thomas talks about the break-in and the aftermath.

Thomas' Substack

Thomas' Book "Steelstorm Pt. 1"

Thomas' Book "Steelstorm Pt. 2"

Thomas on Twitter