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The Pete Quinones Show

Jun 29, 2023

60 minutes


Thomas777 is a revisionist historian and a fiction writer.

Thomas and Pete begin a discussion on Jewish political life and revolutionary tendencies.

Today's Sponsor -

Crowdhealth - Promo Code: peteq -

Thomas' Substack

Thomas' Book "Steelstorm Pt. 1"


Jun 27, 2023

78 Minutes


Morgoth writes at Substack and streams at the YouTube channel Morgoth's Review.

Morgoth joins Pete to talk about the methods used to flood Great Britain with immigrants from the Third World, which changed the culture and increased violence. Morgoth also shares suggestions for how to reverse what has...

Jun 25, 2023

58 Minutes


Aaron is one of the hosts of the Timeline Earth podcast.

Aaron and Pete conclude their reading and discussion of Joseph de Maistre's defense of the Spanish Inquisition from the book "On the Spanish Inquisition," which was recently released by Imperium Press. De Maistre's fourth letter is the subject of...

Jun 22, 2023

49 Minutes


Thomas777 is a revisionist historian and a fiction writer.

Thomas goes over Spain's 19th-century political movements that led to the political environment leading to the civil war.

Today's Sponsor -

Crowdhealth - Promo Code: peteq -

Thomas' Substack

Thomas' Book...

Jun 20, 2023

81 Minutes

Safe for Work

Jon Harris is an author and host of the Conversations That Matter podcast.

Jon joins Pete to share an overview of the thought behind a term being thrown around in the news in the past several years: Christian Nationalism.

Today's Sponsor -

 The Colossal Corpus Of Serious Gloves -

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